It’s important to brush your teeth every day – we all know this. But there are times when a toothbrush isn’t readily available. Say, you go camping, or you travel somewhere remote and forgot to pack one? Sure, these are extreme times, but they could happen. It’s nice to know there are ways we can maintain our oral health until we get a toothbrush, right? Below are a few ways we can substitute some regular everyday items for a toothbrush when we are in a pinch:
Washcloth or paper towel. Say you aren’ta great packer, and your hotel doesn’t have a gift shop inside of it. You can use a paper towel or a washcloth as a substitute. Just wrap your index finger with the paper towel or washcloth, use toothpaste if you have but water will do, then brush your teeth like you would with a toothbrush. Start at your gums and work your way down each tooth. Make sure to wash your tongue as well. Rinse with water and there you have it – a clean mouth.
Find a twig. If you are camping or hiking, a great alternative for a toothbrush is a twig. The first toothbrushes were actually twigs so you aren’t far off with this option. Find a flexible twig about 6-8 inches long. Peel off the skin and chew on an end until it frays. A natural toothbrush!
Your index finger. If worse comes to worse and none of these are an option, there’s always your finger. Make sure you wash your hands before you begin, then take your index finger and starting at the gums, work your finger like a toothbrush, cleaning in a circular motion until all teeth are clean. Rinse your finger for each quadrant, then rinse.
If you would like more information on toothbrushes, call Dr. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit www.gregherddds.com.
Dr. Greg J. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.