Tips for How to Care for Porcelain Veneers | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

Porcelain veneers are one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures people seek for their smiles. The longevity of your veneers can vary depending on how they are cared for. To get the most out of your veneers, here are some best practices for maintaining them for years to come.

Good Oral Hygiene- Maintaining good oral hygiene such as regular brushing, flossing and incorporating a mouthwash is great for your natural teeth and veneers. Veneers are placed along the gemlike to retain the appearance of being natural, so it’s important to keep your oral hygiene up to avoid a receding gemlike that may expose the veneer.

Avoid Unnecessary Force- Nail biting, chewing ice and forceful brushing can break or dislodge a veneer; they can also be the reason your dentist recommended veneers to begin with. It’s important to make an effort to avoid these habits for the longevity of your veneers.

Stop Clenching and Grinding- This bad habit is a great way to chip or break your veneers over time. Bruxism, or the grinding of teeth at night, can be avoided by incorporating a night guard when you sleep. Reducing stress or finding alternative means to clenching your teeth will also go a long way in maintaining your new pearly whites.

Limit Staining- Porcelain is a material that resists stains, but the dental cement used to keep them in place unfortunately is not. Coffee, tobacco, wine and any other food and beverage that may stain your teeth will stain the cement over time. Eventually, if not properly cared for along the way, the cement will become discolored and look odd against your veneers – or even start to make your veneers look discolored by association.

If you would like more information on veneers or how to care for them, call Dr. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Greg J. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

What to Eat While You’re Teeth Are Adjusting | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

When you decide to straighten your teeth, your life changes a bit. Nothing permanent, but some of your day-to-day activities will adjust a bit, especially when you have traditional braces. The way you brush your teeth, the way you eat, even your speech can change a bit while you are adjusting your teeth. Before you get too nervous, there is a very good reason for it. Because brackets are attached to your teeth using a basic dental cement, eating foods that are extra hard or sticky can cause the brackets to pop off, which will mean an unexpected dental visit for repair and delaying your treatment. And yes, they are made of metal, but they can be damaged by eating the wrong foods. Not only that, but food that cannot be cleaned off braces with a simple brushing and flossing may lead to discoloration and decay of your teeth. The good thing is, if you stay on task, your experience will go smoothly, and no issues should arise during your orthodontic experience. So, here is a list to keep on the fridge while you are wearing braces:

  • No gum, sugarless or otherwise
  • Chewy foods like bagels, hard rolls and licorice
  • Crunchy foods, such as popcorn, ice and chips
  • Sticky foods, including caramels, taffy and gum
  • Hard foods like nuts are healthy but can break your teeth like hard candy
  • Crispy foods you bite into, like corn on the cob, apples or carrots
  • Also, avoid biting into non-food items, such as nail-biting and pencil-chewing habits

If you would like more information on eating with braces, call Dr. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Greg J. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Dentures: Working Through the Pain | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

It may not be necessary for everyone to get dentures, but it is a common development for many. Unfortunately, when we have something change in our lives or our bodies, it takes some time to adjust. Having to wear dentures is no different – at first, your mouth will feel sore until your mouth gets used to the foreign object in our mouth. Until that day comes, you may need some pain relief to get through the tougher moments. Here is a list of some common oral pain aids, from natural to over-the-counter:

Topical gel or cream. One of the quickest ways to relieve gum pain is to apply a topical gel or cream. Millions of teething babies can’t be wrong.

Saltwater rinse. For the easiest way to reduce inflamed gums pain, remove the dentures, mix ½ to 1 tsp. of salt with a glass of warm water and rinse for about 30 seconds.

Aloe vera. If you find your gums feel a bit irritated, rub some aloe vera on the area to soothe them.

Massage. A quick, gentle massage to your gums will also help when in a pinch.

Over-the-counter pain relievers. Everyone has some type of headache relief available. If you find your gums are beginning to give you headaches, try taking some ibuprofen.

Denture adhesive. Loose dentures will begin to move and disturb other areas of your teeth. Try using a denture adhesive to help them stay in place.

Taking your dentures out at night will help relieve some pain your gums are experiencing as you are adjusting to wearing your dentures all day long. But if you find that after some time, your dentures may be ill-fitting, contact your dentist as soon as possible.

If you would like more information about adjusting to dentures, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Looking After Your New Fillings | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

As we begin to notice our seasons begin to change, we will start to swap out our hot foods for cooler ones. And for some of us, this causes our teeth to become sensitive to the switch. If this is the case, you may want to consider taking a quick trip to the dentist – some tooth decay may have developed.

Don’t let this warning go unheeded – fillings are necessary in order to prevent further tooth decay from occurring. If left untreated, it can result in permanent tooth decay and the loss of teeth, which is a whole separate set of problems. At least with fillings, each tooth is healthy and less prone to infections. In order to guarantee your teeth are in top shape, regular dental appointments are necessary.

Your dental filling treatment is done under a local anesthetic, and once that anesthesia wears off, your teeth will be incredibly sensitive for the time being. Here are some food tips to follow after your filling:

Keep away hot and cold foods. Days after your procedure, your teeth will be incredibly sensitive to extreme temperatures. It will be easier, less painful, and more comfortable for you to eat your food at a “middle of the way” temperature.

Stay away from gum and sticky foods. After your filling, the material used to fill in the tooth will still be somewhat malleable. In that case, you want to avoid chewing excessively for the sole purpose of making sure your filling stays right.

Avoid too much chewing. Pureed vegetable soup and fruit smoothies are great after procedure meal. As time passes by, you’ll be able to eat your normal foods again.

If you would like more information about fillings, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Celebrating the Holidays with Dentures | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

Sweet pie

Here we are – smack dab in the middle of the holiday season. It’s time for us to become insanely busy preparing and celebrating these magical holiday times with your loved ones. And while eating, drinking and being merry is par for course, for those of us that need dentures, it can be a tough time as you begin to adjust to your new smile. And it’s going to be an adjustment, but after a while, you won’t even notice the change. But because one of the biggest areas of change will be eating, and ’tis the season to be eating, here are a few tips to get you through that adjustment period smoothly:

Take it slow. Since the first few days are the toughest, it is best to begin with a liquid diet. Choose purees and other soft foods that will help you learn how to begin to chew. Be careful of hot food and drink – because dentures are insulating your mouth, you won’t be able to judge temperature the same way.

Break it down. When you’re comfortable enough to try more solid foods, it is best to begin by cutting softer foods into tiny pieces. Once chewing, it is best to spread the food out evenly in your mouth to keep your dentures in place. Chew slowly and mindfully.

When the going gets tough. When eating foods like bread or grain cereal, you’ll find that they stick to your dentures. Have a glass of something to help wash these foods down. When it comes to meat, it is best to choose poultry or fish over red meats, but stewed meats will be fine. Sticky or hard foods are best avoided until you are confident in your chewing ability.

If you would like more information about adjusting to dentures, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Sometimes Dentures Make Your Gums Sore | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

When it’s time to get dentures, you can expect some changes to come along as you get used to your new smile. Your mouth will begin sore because your gums are still getting used to the dentures, but that pain will begin to subside after a few weeks. Luckily, there are several dental remedies available to help ease the discomfort and pain while your mouth adjusts. The following is a list of pain relievers that can help make this adjustment a whole lot smoother:

Topical gel or cream. One of the quickest way to relieve gum pain is to apply a topical gel or cream. Millions of teething babies can’t be wrong.

Salt water rinse. For the easiest way to reduce inflamed gums pain, remove the dentures, mix ½ to 1 tsp. of salt with a glass of warm water and rinse for about 30 seconds.

Aloe vera. If you find your gums feel a bit irritated, rub some aloe vera on the area to soothe them.

Massage. A quick, gentle massage to your gums will also help when in a pinch.

Over-the-counter pain relievers. Everyone has some type of headache relief available. If you find your gums are beginning to give you headaches, try taking some ibuprofen.

Denture adhesive. Loose dentures will begin to move and disturb other areas of your teeth. Try using a denture adhesive to help them stay in place.

Taking your dentures out at night will help relieve some pain your gums are experiencing as you are adjusting to wearing your dentures all day long. If you find that your dentures may be ill-fitting, contact your dentist as soon as possible.

If you would like more information about dentures, call Dr. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.