If you are having trouble sleeping, it is important that you see if you’ve developed a sleep disorder. Unfortunately, you aren’t going to be the only one having an issue with sleeping – most people don’t know they have an issue until they are told by a loved one sleeping close by. And if this happens to be the case, you will be prescribed a snore guard in order to get a better night’s sleep. Unfortunately, snore guards are generally quite bulky, and it may be the bulkiness of the snore guard that bothers you and your gag reflex.
For those that don’t know, a snore guard is a mouthpiece that is custom fitted to your mouth to help a myriad of dental problems and relieve the systems of TMJ or bruxism. As you become used to your new snore guard, follow the following instructions:
- Ask your dentist to start out with a thin night guard that will be easier to get used to.
- Have your family dentist fabricate both an upper and lower snore guard to see which one you find more comfortable. Find which is more comfortable and get a thicker one fabricated after you adjust to its feeling.
- Put your snore guard in right before you go to bed to lessen the chances that you’ll find it bothersome.
- Take at least 30 days to get used to the snore guard and create a habit.
Be aware that snore guards are an aid for bruxism, but you will need to find out why you are grinding or clenching your teeth and make changes. Wearing a snore guard won’t do anything but protect your teeth from harm.
If you would like more information about snore guards, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit www.gregherddds.com.
Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.