Dentures: Working Through the Pain | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

It may not be necessary for everyone to get dentures, but it is a common development for many. Unfortunately, when we have something change in our lives or our bodies, it takes some time to adjust. Having to wear dentures is no different – at first, your mouth will feel sore until your mouth gets used to the foreign object in our mouth. Until that day comes, you may need some pain relief to get through the tougher moments. Here is a list of some common oral pain aids, from natural to over-the-counter:

Topical gel or cream. One of the quickest ways to relieve gum pain is to apply a topical gel or cream. Millions of teething babies can’t be wrong.

Saltwater rinse. For the easiest way to reduce inflamed gums pain, remove the dentures, mix ½ to 1 tsp. of salt with a glass of warm water and rinse for about 30 seconds.

Aloe vera. If you find your gums feel a bit irritated, rub some aloe vera on the area to soothe them.

Massage. A quick, gentle massage to your gums will also help when in a pinch.

Over-the-counter pain relievers. Everyone has some type of headache relief available. If you find your gums are beginning to give you headaches, try taking some ibuprofen.

Denture adhesive. Loose dentures will begin to move and disturb other areas of your teeth. Try using a denture adhesive to help them stay in place.

Taking your dentures out at night will help relieve some pain your gums are experiencing as you are adjusting to wearing your dentures all day long. But if you find that after some time, your dentures may be ill-fitting, contact your dentist as soon as possible.

If you would like more information about adjusting to dentures, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

Trends will come and go but the good ones will stick around for eons. One of the latest trends has been oil pulling. But oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice with more health benefits than one would think, especially your oral health.

Oil pulling is basically swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for up to 20 minutes. The oil then detoxes your mouth and as you continue to do it daily, it continues to improve various health issues. Just take a look at the list:

Full detox. The problem with bacteria is that it loves dark damp places, so the mouth is a great place for it to move in and set up camp. The longer it lingers, the more damage and disease it can leave on your body.

Better than aspirin. Oil pulling is great to help those that suffer from regular headaches or migraines you’ve gotten from toxins.

Hormonal changes. As the toxins are diminished, your body can focus on other things as it continues to improve your health.

Fresh breath. One of the reasons one has bad breath is because of bacteria build-up in the mouth. Since the oil rids your mouth of bacteria, it simultaneously rids it of your halitosis.

Pearly whites. Oil pulling is one way to naturally whiten your teeth at home.

No more plaque. Plaque is the beginnings of periodontal disease, oil pulling helps detoxify your mouth by reducing the harmful bacteria that leads to plaque build-up.

Bleeding gums are a thing of the past. Oil pulling helps reduce the swelling as it heals your bleeding gums and reversing gingivitis.

If you would like more information about oil pulling, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

In Case of Emergency | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

It may feel like things are really up in the air, but it doesn’t need to be a time to lose control of our everyday lives. There are still some things that we have some control over and keeping these things in our daily routines will not only reduce some stress but will also give us a sense of control in an out-of-control world. Here are some quick tips to keeping you, and your smile, healthy:

Brush twice a day. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles. If you’d like a more thorough cleaning, consider an electric version. Brush for at least 2 minutes, in gentle circular motions so as not to irritate your gums.

Floss daily. Use 18” worth of floss and make sure that you are using a clean area between teeth to prevent the spreading of any infections you may already have. Check your floss between teeth for any blood, or scent that may indicate a more serious issue.

Choose a natural mouthwash. Mouthwash loosens any debris, making your mouth cleaner than by merely brushing. Instead of using a mouthwash that contains alcohol, which dehydrates your mouth, preventing saliva production, choose a more natural variety.

In case of emergency. We all know they happen out of the blue, and unfortunately, the dentist isn’t as accessible. If a toothache arises, try gargling with warm saltwater, a cold compress and some over-the-counter pain relievers, like ibuprofen. If the tooth is broken, loose or missing, contact your dentist for advice because it will likely need to be looked at. Loose teeth can be stabilized with gauze. If knocked out, rinse with cold water or milk and make sure not to touch the root.

If you would like more information about dental care, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Looking After Your New Fillings | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

As we begin to notice our seasons begin to change, we will start to swap out our hot foods for cooler ones. And for some of us, this causes our teeth to become sensitive to the switch. If this is the case, you may want to consider taking a quick trip to the dentist – some tooth decay may have developed.

Don’t let this warning go unheeded – fillings are necessary in order to prevent further tooth decay from occurring. If left untreated, it can result in permanent tooth decay and the loss of teeth, which is a whole separate set of problems. At least with fillings, each tooth is healthy and less prone to infections. In order to guarantee your teeth are in top shape, regular dental appointments are necessary.

Your dental filling treatment is done under a local anesthetic, and once that anesthesia wears off, your teeth will be incredibly sensitive for the time being. Here are some food tips to follow after your filling:

Keep away hot and cold foods. Days after your procedure, your teeth will be incredibly sensitive to extreme temperatures. It will be easier, less painful, and more comfortable for you to eat your food at a “middle of the way” temperature.

Stay away from gum and sticky foods. After your filling, the material used to fill in the tooth will still be somewhat malleable. In that case, you want to avoid chewing excessively for the sole purpose of making sure your filling stays right.

Avoid too much chewing. Pureed vegetable soup and fruit smoothies are great after procedure meal. As time passes by, you’ll be able to eat your normal foods again.

If you would like more information about fillings, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

When It’s Time for a Makeover | Rancho Santa Margarita

Problems with your smile? In this superficial day and age, having crooked teeth is more of an issue than it really should be. As an adolescent, you get teased and may not get a lot of dates, so it can turn out to be a tough road to travel when compounded with the typical growing pains. As an adult, having problems with your smile has a certain stigma, but it isn’t quite as traumatizing as those adolescent years.

How do we get these pretty smiles? Having a good daily dental regime and regular checkups is the obvious start. After all, it all starts at home. Brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing and a quick mouthwash rinse is a great way to keep dental issues at bay. Keeping a healthy diet free from lots of sugars and teeth-staining foods/drinks will also keep your teeth white and cavity-free. In fact, there are lots of foods that can actually help clean your teeth while you eat! Foods like apples, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and celery naturally clean your teeth while you eat them. Dairy foods help teeth out with calcium-strengthening goodness. Can’t go wrong with that!

But what about those of us that have healthy teeth, but aren’t exactly the straightest? Or perhaps it’s more of an issue to fix your less than perfect grin. Don’t worry. No matter who is in need of a perfect set of pearly whites, there are tons of options on the market you can go with. If you are looking to complete your smile makeover, make an appointment as soon as possible to discuss a treatment plan.

If you would like more information about smile makeovers, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Why You Need Straight Teeth | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

We all know a perfect smile isn’t something we are all born with, so we look to our dental professionals to do their best to make improvements to the smile we are born with. And while some imperfections are natural, it is important that we fix certain smile imperfections because they can cause adverse effects down the line.

Sure, having straight teeth is physically appealing. But there are more reasons to get the straightest teeth possible – function. If you have straight teeth, it is easier to chew up your food properly, which in turn aids in proper digestion. Misaligned teeth cause your bite to be irregular, which makes chewing difficult but easier for food to get trapped in crevices. They will also make it more difficult to properly clean, which will cause issues like gum disease in the future. Even your speech is affected by crooked teeth. Speech impediments, like lisps, not only affect the way you speak, but can also affect your confidence throughout life. If you lead an active lifestyle, protruding teeth are more susceptible to injury and it may be difficult to find a proper mouthguard.

Straight teeth will not only look great, but they will also help mentally by boosting your confidence and self-esteem. After all, the prettier your smile is, the more you will want to show it off. If you’re happy, you treat yourself well. You treat yourself better, your overall health will improve. So, make an appointment with your dentist to discuss a treatment plan.

If you would like more information about straightening your teeth, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Whitening with Trays | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

As we celebrate thee holiday season, we are inundated with tons of photo opportunities with family and friends. And if your smile has a dingy tinge, it could be an uncomfortable thing to do. You can brush your teeth all you want – teeth will naturally begin to become stained as time goes on. It could be our diets, poor habits or even medications can cause our teeth to yellow. But there is no need to fret – a simple whitening procedure could be all you need.

While there are several over-the-counter teeth whitening treatments that can be used, like whitening strips or trays, they won’t work quite as effectively as custom whitening trays. One of the risks that come along with using over-the-counter teeth whitening products is that the bleach can leak from the tray or strip. This can cause your gums to become irritated or sensitive. Custom whitening trays are made to fit your teeth perfectly.

The process starts off with your dentist taking an impression of your teeth, then using the mold your dentist can create the custom trays. Once your custom whitening trays are complete and your go in for your second visit, your dentist will give you instructions to properly use them.

During the whitening process, you should start to notice a difference in the shades of your teeth as they begin to whiten. Once this short process is over, you should be able to enjoy flashing your significantly whiter teeth. To maintain the appearance of your pearly whites you may want to get treatments done every now and then.

If you would like more information about teeth whitening, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Celebrating the Holidays with Dentures | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

Sweet pie

Here we are – smack dab in the middle of the holiday season. It’s time for us to become insanely busy preparing and celebrating these magical holiday times with your loved ones. And while eating, drinking and being merry is par for course, for those of us that need dentures, it can be a tough time as you begin to adjust to your new smile. And it’s going to be an adjustment, but after a while, you won’t even notice the change. But because one of the biggest areas of change will be eating, and ’tis the season to be eating, here are a few tips to get you through that adjustment period smoothly:

Take it slow. Since the first few days are the toughest, it is best to begin with a liquid diet. Choose purees and other soft foods that will help you learn how to begin to chew. Be careful of hot food and drink – because dentures are insulating your mouth, you won’t be able to judge temperature the same way.

Break it down. When you’re comfortable enough to try more solid foods, it is best to begin by cutting softer foods into tiny pieces. Once chewing, it is best to spread the food out evenly in your mouth to keep your dentures in place. Chew slowly and mindfully.

When the going gets tough. When eating foods like bread or grain cereal, you’ll find that they stick to your dentures. Have a glass of something to help wash these foods down. When it comes to meat, it is best to choose poultry or fish over red meats, but stewed meats will be fine. Sticky or hard foods are best avoided until you are confident in your chewing ability.

If you would like more information about adjusting to dentures, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Improve Your Sleep with a Snore Guard | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

If you are having trouble sleeping, it is important that you see if you’ve developed a sleep disorder. Unfortunately, you aren’t going to be the only one having an issue with sleeping – most people don’t know they have an issue until they are told by a loved one sleeping close by. And if this happens to be the case, you will be prescribed a snore guard in order to get a better night’s sleep. Unfortunately, snore guards are generally quite bulky, and it may be the bulkiness of the snore guard that bothers you and your gag reflex.

For those that don’t know, a snore guard is a mouthpiece that is custom fitted to your mouth to help a myriad of dental problems and relieve the systems of TMJ or bruxism. As you become used to your new snore guard, follow the following instructions:

  • Ask your dentist to start out with a thin night guard that will be easier to get used to.
  • Have your family dentist fabricate both an upper and lower snore guard to see which one you find more comfortable. Find which is more comfortable and get a thicker one fabricated after you adjust to its feeling.
  • Put your snore guard in right before you go to bed to lessen the chances that you’ll find it bothersome.
  • Take at least 30 days to get used to the snore guard and create a habit.

Be aware that snore guards are an aid for bruxism, but you will need to find out why you are grinding or clenching your teeth and make changes. Wearing a snore guard won’t do anything but protect your teeth from harm.

If you would like more information about snore guards, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Having Plaque Isn’t an Award | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

Keeping your mouth clean and healthy isn’t really difficult. Brush twice a day for at least two minutes, floss and rinse each day and it will help improve your chances for a positive checkup next time you visit the dentist. If you deviate from this formula in any way, your chances for dental issues will increase. The first symptom on deck? Plaque.

You may have heard of plaque before and may not be familiar with what it is. The formation of plaque is caused by the lack of thorough brushing and flossing within our daily dental routine. Plaque poses as a huge threat to your teeth because once the plaque hardens, the end result is tartar. And unfortunately, tartar need to be removed through professional teeth cleanings, which means another dental appointment in your future.

During this dental appointment, you can expect to receive a full scheduled hour with a registered dental hygienist, who will use the latest technology to thoroughly clean the surfaces of your teeth in order to prevent a variety of problems including tooth decay and gum disease. In addition, you will not only diminish any plaque buildup in your mouth but will be able to maintain ideal oral health. Along with a professional teeth cleaning, your dental hygienist will take the time to check periodontal measurements, check oral pathology, and perform fluoride treatments.

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of teeth cleanings because brushing and flossing alone will not completely prevent dental problems. Regular checkups are necessary. Not only will you get a deep cleaning, but you will also be able to stop any dental issues from getting worse.

If you would like more information about plaque, call Dr. Greg J. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.