Top Tips To Avoid Staining Your Teeth | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist


If you look at your teeth in the mirror and aren’t thrilled with what you see, your teeth may be stained as a result of the foods and beverages you consume. There is nothing wrong with consuming dark foods and beverages, of course, but if you find your smile has become dull or yellow, it may be time to evaluate the habits that surround our consumption of them.

Common culprits of staining are red wine, dark sodas, and coffee, three beverages casually consumed by the average person. Thankfully, however, there are ways you can mitigate dental staining with some common and easily applied practices.

Try A New Brushing Method:

Brushing your teeth 30 minutes after consuming these beverages may sound counter-intuitive, but it’s better than brushing immediately after. Coffee, soda, and wine are acidic, meaning they weaken your enamel. When we brush immediately after, we are being abrasive against an already weakened barrier causing it to weaken further. Brushing some time after consumption helps retain your enamel and will help prevent staining.

Other Ways You Can Avoid Staining:

Otherwise, you can floss, employ whitening powders or pastes, and maintain regular dental visits to keep teeth stains at bay. If you are interested in incorporating health practices into your life that also help reduce the risk of staining, cutting back on your consumption of dark sodas, red wine and coffee will go a long way to achieve that goal. You can also try at-home whitening strips, trays, or UV light whitening devices that may help you get up to two shades of whiter teeth.

If your teeth are already stained, and at-home methods aren’t working to mitigate the appearance of dull or yellow teeth, that’s where a cosmetic dentist can help. In-office whitening is more powerful than at-home treatments, and when professionally executed may go further than DIY methods.

If you would like more information, call Dr. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Greg J. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

What Is Tarter Buildup and How To Avoid It | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

tooth inspection

The buildup of plaque that hardens on your teeth is known as tartar. When plaque isn’t removed properly from your hygienic routine, that’s when the soft, removable plaque can turn into tartar which may require a more intense means of removal.

If you are employing a thorough routine of proper brushing and flossing, you should be able to avoid tartar buildup. Yet, it’s still important to understand the signs and symptoms, so that if you do recognize it’s happening, you can consult your dentist sooner than later. Tarter is a buildup of minerals that if above the gum line, is fairly easy to spot. If you notice yellow or brown-colored stains on the teeth or gums, it may be tartar.

Your dentist or hygienist may employ a method called scaling in which he or she uses special instruments to remove the tartar from around the gum line and bottom of the tooth pocket.

The only real way to know, however, is to consult your dentist, and they can remove it for you. If it gets really bad, you may experience bad breath, darker staining, loose teeth, and red, swollen, or bleeding gums.

While tartar buildup can happen, there are ways your can mitigate your risk. Tartar control toothpaste and rinses can help eliminate stubborn plaque to help prevent tarter together. Regular visits with your dentist and flossing also go a long way in helping ensure a thorough oral care routine and minimize the risk of tartar buildup.

If you would like more information, call Dr. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Greg J. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.

Tips for How to Care for Porcelain Veneers | Rancho Santa Margarita Dentist

Young woman smiling with perfect dental health

Porcelain veneers are one of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures people seek for their smiles. The longevity of your veneers can vary depending on how they are cared for. To get the most out of your veneers, here are some best practices for maintaining them for years to come.

Good Oral Hygiene- Maintaining good oral hygiene such as regular brushing, flossing and incorporating a mouthwash is great for your natural teeth and veneers. Veneers are placed along the gemlike to retain the appearance of being natural, so it’s important to keep your oral hygiene up to avoid a receding gemlike that may expose the veneer.

Avoid Unnecessary Force- Nail biting, chewing ice and forceful brushing can break or dislodge a veneer; they can also be the reason your dentist recommended veneers to begin with. It’s important to make an effort to avoid these habits for the longevity of your veneers.

Stop Clenching and Grinding- This bad habit is a great way to chip or break your veneers over time. Bruxism, or the grinding of teeth at night, can be avoided by incorporating a night guard when you sleep. Reducing stress or finding alternative means to clenching your teeth will also go a long way in maintaining your new pearly whites.

Limit Staining- Porcelain is a material that resists stains, but the dental cement used to keep them in place unfortunately is not. Coffee, tobacco, wine and any other food and beverage that may stain your teeth will stain the cement over time. Eventually, if not properly cared for along the way, the cement will become discolored and look odd against your veneers – or even start to make your veneers look discolored by association.

If you would like more information on veneers or how to care for them, call Dr. Herd in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA at 949-858-5147 or visit

Dr. Greg J. Herd proudly serves Rancho Santa Margarita and all surrounding areas.